This was something I have been looking forward to for almost a year, my puppy’s first kayak ride. We love canoeing, kayaking, and who am I kidding, anything in or near the water.

With one exception – Spetsna (the white shepherd). He hates the water. He won’t even step his paws in it if he can find a way around it. I’ll still be working with him to see if he can get used to our kayak or canoe but so far he has liked it about 0%.

SO when we decided to get our Tamaskan puppy I immediately started dreaming of taking him out on the water. Knowing that, you would think I would have had a better plan going into our first kayak ride. Instead, we headed out to the nearest lake and jumped in. Of course we brought lots of treats, and he had on his harness and leash (which came in super handy when he tried to bail ship). Other than that we simply did it. And spoiler alert, we all survived!

This was the first of many future adventures on the water and although it wasn’t “epic” or “grand” by anyone’s measure, it’ll be forever important to me. There’s nothing sweeter than seeing and dream/goal in real life. Where vision meets reality 😀

Note: I do have a life jacket he will wear soon but I didn’t want to overwhelm him with a life jacket and being on the water the first time. We will get him used to that in the near future now that he knows kayaking is amazing.
