When you love your dog (aka they are spoiled) you bring them to their very own doggy Easter egg hunts.

The Dog Eggstrvegansa hosted by Dog Harmony was one of the highlights of our 30a area Florida trip even though we went into it having no idea what to expect. There were booths, music, dog social and then the obvious feature – the egg hunt. Each egg had a treat in it and if your dog touched it you could pick it up. Pretty simple but serious fun. If you watch the video I think its pretty apparent that us humans had even more fun than our dog.


We liked it so much I’m hoping we can get one started in northeastern Wisconsin. Or if you know of one already in the area please let me know! Otherwise all you Florida people should go check this event out in the Sandestin 30a area!
Dog Harmony



Note: The whole point of this post was to answer the question you’ve always had floating around in your head. You know the one, the “Gee I wonder what a dog Easter egg hunt would be like” question . No? You weren’t wondering that? All I can say is your welcome now you never even have to wonder 😉



p.s. Yes my children are wearing clothes that obviously do not fit them. They may or may not have decided to get completely soaked in the water splash pad fountains right beforehand and had to get dressed in whatever was hanging out in the car. But at least Spetsna’s outfit was on point. Priorities man.
