The Point:

Enlighten parents on how Nordic countries tackle so called “bad weather” with kids and manage to be outdoors so often. Provides a contrast in outdoor lifestyle thinking between Scandinavia and the USA. The author has plenty of entertaining stories that clearly makes the case for being outdoors as often as possible, despite the weather.


Easy, quick read.

The author has a knack for making big points that stick without the struggle to learn them.

Universal. Even though it focuses on her time in Sweden with her kids, every parent in any climate can learn from her stories.


Lacking practical advice on gear for bad weather. Its more of an inspirational story than a guide book.

Some people feel it is a bit negative in the representation of the US. My personal opinion is…… it is pretty accurate so I don’t feel its too negative, just honest. I decided to mention it in case its something you are sensitive to.


” Try to embrace the weather for what it is, and let your child run wild and get dirty while playing outdoors. ” Linda Akeson McGurk

Who should read:

Every parent of any age child! You’ll be able to read some entertaining stories at the very least and at the most it’ll change your entire way of thinking about the weather, free range kids, school systems, and parenting.


Easy. Linda is a great storyteller and the book flows nicely.
