I have been on the search for dog friendly stores. Why? Here’s my main reasons.
1. I want to socialize Spetsna a bit more. Even though he is very good in public situations it doesn’t hurt to have a bit more socialization and manners under his belt. Plus he loves the social interaction, new smells, new people/pets, and bonus for me – I get to show him off to the world 😉
2. Dog friendly stores also come in super handy on road trips. Let me tell ya, as a family of 4 plus doggo, lots and lots of bathroom breaks are required. So we try to make each stop fun and part of the adventure instead of getting frustrated each time someone yells for a pit stop.
Side note: In case you are wondering what stores are the best dog friendly stops, I will be doing a round up of our favorites soon.
One of the first dog friendly stores I discovered was Cabelas! I ended up hearing about their Dog Days Family Event and immediately marked it on the calendar.
Our nearest store is the Green Bay Cabelas so that’s where the whole fam headed to on a windy and chilly spring morning. We were a bit confused when we arrived because we couldn’t really figure out where to go. We later learned that local Wisconsin ordinances had recently banded dogs from being allowed inside Cabelas (has something to do with pets near public eating places) Soooooo the entire event was held outside in a tent. Bummer. No blame on Cabelas, just disappointing that this rule had to go into place.
Who knows, maybe the event would have been outside anyway? But it was about 35 degrees and windy and even my Wisconsin blood was feeling the cold that day so it would have been way more enjoyable inside. There was a trick contest and live demos that we didn’t stay for because we were frozen.
So scratch the Green Bay Cabelas off the pet friendly list. (insert a million sad faces) The rules are different at each store so its worth calling and checking to see if your dog is allowed at your local Cabelas. We very recently stopped at a Cabelas in Indiana that was in fact dog friendly and it was the highlight of that day. Its worth calling and checking!
The Dog Days event was still worth going to since we got a free picture, a bag of treats, a dog waste dispenser and dog dish mat. Spetsna had a ball seeing all the other dogs (if you watch the video you’ll see him longingly stare after another shepherd, best buds at first sight I guess). He also got lots of compliments which made his ego go up a few notches.
So all in all I would recommend hitting up the Dog Days event! Just be sure to give a call before you head out and dress more weather appropriately than we did 😉
p.s. this is not a paid or sponsored post, just my opinions and ramblings