Ice Cave Adventure – Grand Island Munising Michagan

Ice Cave Adventure – Grand Island Munising Michagan

We love winter. No really, we actually do! Might might be a tad sick of the snow in April (thanks snow storm Evelyn) but there is SO much to see and do in the winter. This past February we took a trip to the Ice Caves on Grand Island right out of Munising Michigan....
Road Trip Ramblings & Dog Cargo Cover Review

Road Trip Ramblings & Dog Cargo Cover Review

We live for road trips. Once we finish one trip we immediately start planning the next one and our whole family counts down the days to when we can get back on the road. Spetsna has this superpower where he can sense if we are going somewhere. Even before I bring out...
In The Beginning……

In The Beginning……

The journey that lead us here started when we couldn’t help but thinking there’s more to life than running from work to appointment to more obligations while just waiting for the weekend to arrive. The majority of our life was spent rushing and it seemed like we were...