Things We Love

Welcome to all our favorite things for those living the adventure dog lifestyle. These are all tried/tested by us and have made our life either easier, happier or both! I wouldn’t say I’m a minimalist but I really I don’t like clutter so if I’m recommending it, it means its worthy of my precious space. Hopefully you discover something new here that improves your quality of life. If you have specific questions on any of the products just shoot me a note and I’ll help the best I can!

Vehicle Cargo Cover

This cute doggy cargo cover from Amazon (also known as the seller of all amazing and wonderous things) has been a dream for keeping our vehicle clean. No more grimaces as non dog people step into our car. But really why are we still friends with them if they don’t like dogs? At least now its in our power to stop being friends instead automatically of being driven (pun, haha) away by our stinky fur filled vehicle. Que more adventures with more friends (that we will brain wash into the dog obsessed world, mwahaha )

CBD oil - Pet ReLeaf

Am I right in saying that sick doggies are one of the most heart breaking things? And how can you have lots of lovely adventures with a sick doggy? Just all around a bad world when the canine is sick. Our Spetsna has had a huge bout of illnesses and Ive just recently started being proactive about getting his health, well, for lack of a better word, healthier.  A healthier health for my doggy. That’s where this CBD oil came to the rescue!
