Book Review: Adventuring Together by Greta Eskridge

Book Review: Adventuring Together by Greta Eskridge

The Point: To help all families incorporate adventure into their lives on a frequent basis. The author shares her experiences which creates a light mood and gently encourages every parent to up their adventure game. Note: This book is Christian based but is very...

Hiking with Survival Unleashed

We were super excited to take our new collars, leashes, and tags out for a spin so we decided to do a sunset hike to Butler Rock. It is one of our favorite hiking spots since it is not too far away. Another perk is that the main hike is pretty short but there are a...

Road Trip: Bringing our Tamaskan home

I thought I’d share a little peek into what it was like bringing our baby Tamaskan home. The 12-ish hour drive from Ohio to Wi went amazingly well and was such a good bonding experience for the whole family. I hope you enjoy all the puppy fuzzies this video has...
Dreki – 13 week old Tamaskan Puppy Update

Dreki – 13 week old Tamaskan Puppy Update

I am the ideal puppy! At least that’s what people tell me. I am very calm (for a puppy), I don’t bite (much), I love my crate, I will go anywhere and do anything as long as my family is along, and I always go potty outside (finally). I am not afraid of...
Dreki – 12 weeks old Tamaskan Puppy Update

Dreki – 12 weeks old Tamaskan Puppy Update

My humans have been slacking and are posting my 12 week update rather late. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to eat a few extra socks to punish them. 😉 Dislikes: * Being bored * When humans don’t share food * deer flies Likes: * walking while peeing/pooing...
Dreki – 11 week old Tamaskan Puppy Update

Dreki – 11 week old Tamaskan Puppy Update

This week I was really tired. I slept a lot and my people say that I might be growing. I’m trying to get as big as uncle Spetsna as fast as I can so I can wrestle with him better. He plays with me a bit now. And he will let me lay down next to him as long as I...
Breeder Feature: Hawthorne Tamaskan

Breeder Feature: Hawthorne Tamaskan

Hawthorne Tamaskan Wolfdoglife: We are very excited to share more info on Hawthorne Tamaskan with you! Although we didn’t get our pup from them, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose them as a breeder and I personally think very highly of them. They are always...
Puppy Bag: What We Brought To Pick Up Our Puppy

Puppy Bag: What We Brought To Pick Up Our Puppy

I know its a very real possibility that I over planned what to bring when picking up our new Tamaskan puppy Dreki. Like really over planned. #sorrynotsorry But when you are dieing to bring that fuzz ball home and it is still weeks away what else is there to do but...
Dreki – 10 week old Tamaskan Puppy Update

Dreki – 10 week old Tamaskan Puppy Update

My family says they have this mission to get me to meet 400 people in the next few weeks and i’m quickly whittling that away! I went to more soccer games and my first drive in movie. They also took me to run the high school track and walk around town. Plus I...