Road Trip: Bringing our Tamaskan home

I thought I’d share a little peek into what it was like bringing our baby Tamaskan home. The 12-ish hour drive from Ohio to Wi went amazingly well and was such a good bonding experience for the whole family. I hope you enjoy all the puppy fuzzies this video has...
Dreki – 13 week old Tamaskan Puppy Update

Dreki – 13 week old Tamaskan Puppy Update

I am the ideal puppy! At least that’s what people tell me. I am very calm (for a puppy), I don’t bite (much), I love my crate, I will go anywhere and do anything as long as my family is along, and I always go potty outside (finally). I am not afraid of...
Dreki – 12 weeks old Tamaskan Puppy Update

Dreki – 12 weeks old Tamaskan Puppy Update

My humans have been slacking and are posting my 12 week update rather late. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to eat a few extra socks to punish them. 😉 Dislikes: * Being bored * When humans don’t share food * deer flies Likes: * walking while peeing/pooing...
Breeder Feature: Hawthorne Tamaskan

Breeder Feature: Hawthorne Tamaskan

Hawthorne Tamaskan Wolfdoglife: We are very excited to share more info on Hawthorne Tamaskan with you! Although we didn’t get our pup from them, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose them as a breeder and I personally think very highly of them. They are always...
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes……

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes……

It all started on one of those days you just need a break. A little escape and reprieve from the current craziness. When that happens I’ll occasionally – who am I kidding, its more than occasionally – turn to pintrest and loose myself to dreaming of all...