The Wolf Dog Life

Journeying with our pack searching for an adventure dog lifestyle.

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Meet The Pack

Wisconsin dwelling, nature loving, adventure seeking pack.


The two legged pack member named Jilane (aka Hooman) takes care of everything needing opposable thumbs. Driving to hiking spots, blogging and taking pictures all fall under that category.

Dreki, the registered Tamaskan dog, is the only member who has real claim to the wolf dog name. He is newest pack member!

The 8 year old white german shepherd, Spetsna, is the wise alpha who makes sure we don’t get into too much trouble.

Hiking with Survival Unleashed We were super excited to take our new collars, leashes, and tags out for a spin so we decided to do a sunset hike to Butler Rock. It is one of our favorite hiking spots since it is not too far away. Another perk is...

Road Trip: Bringing our Tamaskan home

I thought I'd share a little peek into what it was like bringing our baby Tamaskan home. The 12-ish hour drive from Ohio to Wi went amazingly well and was such a good bonding experience for the whole family. I hope you enjoy all the puppy fuzzies this...

Dreki – 13 week old Tamaskan Puppy Update

I am the ideal puppy! At least that's what people tell me. I am very calm (for a puppy), I don't bite (much), I love my crate, I will go anywhere and do anything as long as my family is along, and I always go potty outside (finally). I am not afraid of...

Hiking with Survival Unleashed We were super excited to take our new collars, leashes, and tags out for a spin so we decided to do a sunset hike to Butler Rock. It is one of our favorite hiking spots since it is not too far away. Another perk is...

Spetsna’s Sickly Winter & Pet Releaf CBD Oil Review

  It all started about two weeks before Christmas. I know this because I vividly remember wrapping Spetna's Christmas presents while crying, trying not to dwell on the fact that he might not make it home to open them. Earlier that morning Spetsna came...

Road Trip Ramblings & Dog Cargo Cover Review

We live for road trips. Once we finish one trip we immediately start planning the next one and our whole family counts down the days to when we can get back on the road. Spetsna has this superpower where he can sense if we are going somewhere. Even before...

Road Trip: Bringing our Tamaskan home

I thought I'd share a little peek into what it was like bringing our baby Tamaskan home. The 12-ish hour drive from Ohio to Wi went amazingly well and was such a good bonding experience for the whole family. I hope you enjoy all the puppy fuzzies this...

Top 12 Dog Friendly Activities in 30a Florida (and surrounding areas)

I am only sharing the dog friendly activities that we did personally. There are lots more and hopefully I'll be able to share those after our next trip. Some of these are outside 30a but are nearby and easily doable if you are vacationing in the area....

Ice Cave Adventure – Grand Island Munising Michagan

We love winter. No really, we actually do! Might might be a tad sick of the snow in April (thanks snow storm Evelyn) but there is SO much to see and do in the winter. This past February we took a trip to the Ice Caves on Grand Island right out of Munising...
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” may you live all the days of your life”
Jonathan Swift
